Friday, December 5, 2008

Reflection 11

Our last class was interesting to me. We began by watching the videos of our teaching to the 6th graders. While watching, I noticed a few positive things that my classmates were doing that I need to work on. One is proximity. As Tahna was trying to teach the kids in one side of the room were chatting while another student was trying to speak so she just stepped over and said "shhh" without even taking her eyes off of the student talking and the noisy students quieted up real quick. Another was student participation. Braden had all the student chant "buoyancy." I usually like to have the kids involved but don't usually think about having them chant. I think it is a good idea especially when it is something that we want the students to remember. But there were also areas of needed improvement. One of which is to speak clearly and not stumble with my words. I need to know the material so I'm not butchering the information. I also need to be aware of the students. I thought that everyone was grasping the concept until I found out later that a classmate of mine said she had to help a student do the formula one on one and quite frankly, I never saw her doing that and had no idea that people were confused by my instruction in doing the formula. I think that sensing this will come with experience and simply getting comfortable with teaching in front of a class. Experience is the key to to greatest improvement I believe.

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